Saturday, December 29, 2007


Dear all,

I hope you're still enjoying the holidays, and everything that goes with it. This blog has been created to keep you up-to-date while I'm in Edinburgh. I would like to promise regular updates, but honesty compels me to say that it is rather unlikely to expect them regularly (mind you, I'm not saying anything about frequency).

I hope to write posts on general Edinburghian stuff, rants on particular Edinburghian (or other) stuff, and some linguistic (if not exclusively phonological) stuff. Feel free to skip these last posts, though :)
In any case, I hope you'll enjoy reading, and if you have any comments, please don't hesitate to tell me!
On a related note, at any time you can sign up for an e-mail alert list for new updates: just mail your e-address and I'll add you to the list.

In the meantime, enjoy Hogmanay, and, ad nauseam, I wish you a happy and (phonologically/linguistically) interesting 2008!

Finally, look what Inge sent me:



Threats to the purity and the real genius of English have been a recurrent theme" (Quirk 1972: 47)